
Interpreters for heads of state at the Brisbane G20

Language Professionals' Max Doerfler and Bertold Schmitt would like to thank each one of the 53 interpreters who joined their team at the G20 Heads of State summit in Brisbane this month. Simultaneous interpretation was required for the following 14 languages: Arabic, Mandarin, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Turkish and Burmese.


Hazaragi language in Australia

Currently NAATI (the Australian national accreditation authority for translators and interpreters) holds interpreting tests for Hazaragi as a distinct language, noting in test materials that Hazaragi varies by dialect, and that any dialect of Hazaragi may be used in interpreter testing as long as it would be understood by the average speaker.


Forum on health translations and the emerging use of automated translations in Australia: The NSW Multilingual Health Information Stakeholders Forum

In the past two years, the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) has seen an increase in non-government organisations, and health services using translation companies that are based overseas, as well as the use of Google Translate, and social translation models. A forum in December will examine the trend.


G20 Leaders’ Summit Public Holiday (Brisbane) in Australia

The G20 Leaders’ Summit public holiday is a one-off holiday in Brisbane, the capital of the state of Queensland, Australia, on November 14, 2014. Max Doerfler and Bertold Schmitt have been busy organising for interpreters to fly to Brisbane from round the world to join Language Professionals teams of interpreters.


University of Western Sydney Community Translation Conference

Members of the Langpro team attended the Community Translation Conference held at the University of Western Sydney in September 2014. We heard interesting presentations from translation experts in many languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Malay and Spanish and we were able to meet with teachers and students in the field. Subjects discussed included terminology databases, training, crowd sourcing, translation of materials for hospitals, prisons and tourism, quality assessment and assurance.


Design, Production and Distribution Program Trade Fair

In May Language Professionals staff attended the annual Design, Production and Distribution program trade fair at the National Convention Centre in Canberra. The Design, Production and Distribution program is a collaborative procurement program led by the Department of Human Services and involving 40 federal government departments and agencies. Language Professionals is a member of the expert panel of providers for these 40 agencies, providing translation and multilingual desktop publishing services.