IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) is the terminology database for all European Union institutions. http://iate.europa.eu
TermCoord offers glossaries from European Union institutions and bodies, by topic and by language. The glossaries cover a wide range of domains such as legal affairs, environment, medicine, consumer protection, human rights, economy and many others. http://termcoord.eu/glossarylinks/
European Commission Translation and Drafting Resources – Language resources and useful links, online dictionaries, glossaries, national sites for every EU language. http://ec.europa.eu/translation/index_en.htm
UNTERM, the United Nations Terminology Database, provides terminology in subjects relevant to the work of the United Nations. Information is provided in the six UN official languages, and there are also entries in German and Portuguese. http://unterm.un.org
WIPO’s multilingual terminology portal gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents. It helps promote accurate and consistent use of terms across different languages, and makes it easier to search and share scientific and technical knowledge. http://www.wipo.int/wipopearl/search/linguisticSearch.html
Termium Plus: Maintained by the Translation Bureau, the federal organization responsible for supporting the Government of Canada in its efforts to communicate with and provide services for Canadians in French and English. http://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca
Le grand dictionnaire terminologique ou GDT est une banque de fiches terminologiques rédigées par l’Office québécois de la langue française ou des partenaires de l’Office. A French resource, but some other Latin languages covered. http://gdt.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/
The Alexandria Library resources for translators: Glossaries and downloadable TMs. Mostly EU countries. https://alexandria-translation-resources.com/resources-for-translation-providers/
Librairie du Liban is a major publisher of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in the Arab World. You can search most of their dictionaries for free. Arabic, but also English, French, Spanish, and German. http://www.ldlp-dictionary.com/
Linguee is a unique translation tool combining an editorial dictionary and a search engine with which you can search billions of bilingual texts for words and expressions. Compared to traditional online dictionaries, Linguee contains about 1,000 times more translated texts, which are displayed in full sentences. Linguee shows translations for expressions such as “strong evidence,” “strong relationship,” or “strong opinion,” and even for rare expressions or specific technical terms. http://www.linguee.com
MyMemory is the world’s largest collaborative translation memory. It works like a linguistic search engine which you can use to look up translated segments and terminology in any language pair and subject domain. Tick the “More context” checkbox to see more context around your search term. https://mymemory.translated.net/
Search ProZ.com’s translation dictionaries and glossaries for medical, legal, technical and other specialized terms, in Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Arabic and many other languages. http://www.proz.com/search/
Acronym finder is the world’s largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations, with more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions. http://www.acronymfinder.com
Microsoft’s language Portal. Access the Microsoft translator, but also free language skins for Windows, Office, and Visual Studio in more than 50 languages. The Bing Translator is also powered by the Microsoft translator. 52 languages supported. http://www.microsoft.com/language/en-us/default.aspx
The infamous Google Translate, now supporting 90 languages with various degrees of success. Still handy to get the gist of a foreign text or an idea of word count. https://translate.google.com/
AUSIT – The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators. AUSIT holds events and training workshops throughout the year to provide members the best opportunities to grow as translators & interpreters. http://www.ausit.org/
NAATI – The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters in Australia. http://www.naati.com.au
AALITRA – The Australian Association for Literary Translation is a national organization that promotes an interest in all aspects of literary translation. They sponsor public lectures and events on literary translation and hold periodic conferences with university bodies interested in the theory and practice of literary translation. http://aalitra.org.au/